
• You can now compare YouTube channels by going to Compare (beta) or by visiting https://superplaycounts.github.io/compare/ and selecting the platform (currently only YouTube is available). You can then compare different channels

• Prior to update 2.5.5, numerous bugs related to the Compare (beta) feature were fixed.

• All styles on the site have been recoded.

• All JavaScript files on the site have been recoded.

• A few minor errors were fixed in the fake subscriber counter.


• The API and its website integration are now functioning correctly.

• The Summer Timer has been updated, and now you can see how long is left until summer.

• When sharing a link to a counter or website, you can now view a screenshot of the site


• For the Summer timer you will now see how many days are left until the end of Summer

• You won’t see a tiktok counter on the website for now. He passes the full test. When it finishes and works as it should, it will appear on the website

• Now on the site you can see the number of global clickers, but for now you can see Global clicker v8


• The text in the Primary Policy has been slightly modified.

• In Fake Subscriber count, I added a Support me button in the bottom corner of the screen. I'm not sure why, but for now, this button will be in Fake Subscriber count.

• For Fake Subscriber count, you can now change the icon parameter to the TikTok icon.

• I didn't notice that in Tiktok live followers count, I didn't change the icon, and the Twitter X icon was there all the time. Now it has been fixed.

Update for the SUPERPLAYCOUNTS API, which also fits into this list.

• It turns out there has been a long-standing issue with the YouTube Live View Count, where some may receive null upon a GET request, related to video search. This has been partially fixed.


The bugs are fixed and a TikTok counter has been added. (TEST!)

• On Twitter X Live Followers Count, when clicking 'Change User,' it redirected to /x/ but now it's fixed.

• Now, a test for the TikTok followers counter is being conducted on the website.

• Now the TikTok counter is working, but it's through the API on nextcounts.com.

• To test the TikTok counter, you need to go to https://superplaycounts.github.io/tiktok/test/, then add your ID. The ID is the username preceded by "@".

• The bugs in Twitter X Live Followers Count have been fixed, but it's not possible to get a clear picture of the avatar through the X API, I don't understand why myself.

Please contact me with suggestions, for example: something to add or a bug to fix, please contact me on twitter X or by e-mail alechenkodima2007@gmail.com


• Dark theme for the embed is now available. Simply add '/dark/' after /embed/, for example, https://superplaycounts.github.io/embed/dark/youtube/?UCX6OQ3DkcsbYNE6H8uQQuVA

• The search for YouTube Live View Count videos has been slightly fixed.

• For Twitter X Live Followers Count, errors have been fixed.


• The timers have all been updated now.

• Some people noticed that if you switch to the black theme and go to the Twitter X followers count, the icon did not change to white, it was still black, but it has been fixed!

• For the Twitter X followers count counter, a counter for Following count has been added.

• For the Twitter X followers count counter, a counter for Likes count has been added.

• For the Twitter X followers count counter, a counter for Lists count has been added.

• For the Twitter X followers count counter, a counter for Media count has been added.

• For the Twitter X followers count counter, a counter for Tweets count has been added.

• For the Twitter X followers count, a fully implemented embed has been created, similar to those for following, likes, lists, media, and tweets.

• The counters and searches were not working, so it has been fixed.

• Now, for Twitter X Live Followers Count, user search has been implemented, thanks to mixerno.space.

• Now, Twitter X Live Followers Count works officially and correctly, so you may notice the X icon on the main page of the website.

• Small and strange bugs were fixed.

Please contact me with suggestions, for example: something to add or a bug to fix, please contact me on twitter X or by e-mail alechenkodima2007@gmail.com


• The timers have all been updated now.

• Now you can share the counter on LinkedIn, Pinterest, email, Telegram, Reddit, WhatsApp.

• For those who might be interested, you can see how many API requests have been made in total.

• The Twitter X counter is working steadily.

• Now there is a description 'About Twitter X Followers Count.

• Added an embed for YouTube and for Twitter X.


• On the website, all fonts have been changed, except for the advertising banners.

• Since Twitter has been renamed to X, it will be referred to as Twitter X on the website.

• The fake Subscriber counter has undergone minor changes.

• The Twitter X follower counter is currently in testing, but you can try it out. Just don't forget to write the user ID in the URL after the '?'. For example, if the URL is 'https://twitter.com/superplaycounts', then it becomes 'https://superplaycounts.github.io/x/?superplaycounts'

• Now you can easily share counters on LinkedIn.

• The website style has slightly changed.

• The graphics are now properly adapted to the dark style of the website.


• You can always support SUPERPLAYCOUNTS on Ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/superplaycounts.

If you click on the text, you will be redirected to a world map where the availability of the website is indicated by red (website blocked) and green (website is working).

• Updated documentation for the SUPERPLAYCOUNTS API

• The countdown has been fixed.

• Now you can share the subscriber count with just one click! Currently available Twitter and Facebook.

• The website is now available in the following countries: Italy, Canada, Spain, Australia.


• Now an description has been added to the YouTube subscriber counter.

• Now, for YouTube video counter. You can separately view the view count, likes, dislikes, and comments.

• for Youtube video count, search added, you can write the name of the video or insert the video id

• in the main page of the site, when you click on Load Comments, a teaser ad appears and comments are loaded

• Embed is currently in development

• Now you can create your own timer on the website.

• The website is now available in the following countries: Mauritania, Haiti, Uganda, Slovenia, Eswatini, Tonga, Syria.


• Now in the fake subscriber counter, the "Set Values" button is located at the top.

• the Twitter counter is hidden, the reasons that it is not being developed yet

• Now you can watch the likes and dislikes counter for videos. search under development!

• The website is now available in the following countries: Cook Islands, Estonia, Gibraltar, Laos, and Seychelles.


• Now the Privacy Policy is being updated every day!

• Currently, ads in /youtube/?id, youtube/api/?id, /youtube/views/?id, /youtube/videos/?id are not displayed. In the future, when I fix the error with displaying ads, they will appear

• The website is not available in all countries except Ukraine, USA, and the United Kingdom. Soon, the website will be accessible to everyone!

• If you are looking at the view counter, the updated graphics will show "Views: 26,754,583,353".

• I made some minor code improvements in the API, and now the API is working slightly faster.


• Slightly fixed the card where the description is written.

• Corrected graphics and added zoom functionality.

• Added a Change User button just in case so that you can quickly switch and change users.

• Added teaser ads to some parts of the website.

• The timers page has been completely redesigned.


• Cards are now more versatile.

• The main menu of the website now includes other counters, but they are currently hidden.

• There is a description for the fake subscriber counter.

• For the fake subscriber count, when you enter the channel name, it will be displayed in the tab. For example, if you enter "test", it will appear as "test - Subscriber Count".

• Fixed bugs when changing themes, when searching for a channel, the card did not change style as it should.

• Now the counter for YouTube displays the number of videos.

• Now you can leave reactions and comments on subscriber counters.

• Now you can view YouTube API subscriber count using this link: https://superplaycounts.github.io/youtube/api/?id

v1.7, Correction, new, documentation.

• Abbreviate Counts fake subscriber counter works correctly.

• Fixed a bug in the fake subscriber counter where selecting an image file and then pressing "set value" would cause the image to disappear.

• For the fake subscriber counter, the ability to change the text in SUBSCRIBERS or followers or other text has been added.

• For the fake subscriber counter, it is now possible to change the icon to, for example, YouTube, Twitter, or completely remove the icon.

• Fixed graphics, now the graphics will be cleared when there are too many data points about subscribers.

• Now you can change the theme to dark on the website.

• API documentation is ready, but there is only one caveat - all GET requests work correctly, but, for example, Twitter is still in development.

v1.6, Modification, alteration, and deletion.

• April Fools update has been completely removed from the website.

• The page with the timer has been slightly improved, now the style is closer to the familiar website.

• Fixed the issue with the 404 page, which was sometimes displaying without any styling.

• Nav bar has been slightly fixed.

• For developers, API documentation will be ready soon, despite the fact that the YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok counters are not working correctly, but this will be fixed. I will provide complete information in the near future.

• Added the ability to hide the graphics.

• Added the ability for the fake subscriber counter to change the hotkey for hiding settings.

Happy April Fools Day! This is ONLY meant to be an April Fools update and should NOT be taken seriously.

• New counters have been added: TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, Roblox, Instagram, Likee, and Spotify.

• For the YouTube subscribers counter, a game has been added.

• When clicking on the April Fools Update v1.5.8.6 button located in the Update section, a funny sound is played.

• In the fake subscriber counter, a message from the police appears.

v1.5 Updates and corrections.

• On the main website, the cards now look more beautiful.

• The website style is more responsive on mobile devices now.

• When comments are loading, they no longer touch the edges of the screen.

• For fake subscriber counters, a rate for subscribers per second, per minute, and per hour has been added.

• Fixed a strange bug with the odometer.

• A subscribers graph has been added for YouTube subscriber counters.

• A documentation page for Api has been created, but the documentation is not yet ready.

v1.4.6, Correction, modification.

• Now in the Fake Subscriber Count, you can add an image and banner using a url.

• The banner regarding the use of cookies has been corrected.

• All colors under the body tag will be in white color. This is to easily add a future website theme change to a dark mode.

• I fixed the loading animation. When you requested a search, the loading animation was not centered, but was located on the left side during the loading process.

• Now the website font is displayed properly for different languages.

• For YouTube, the subscriber counter now displays the channel view count under the card!

• A new section has been added to the website homepage which is Twitter. Currently, there is no counter for Twitter yet.

• Of course, a privacy policy is essential. Now the website has one located at the bottom of the page.

v1.4, change, correction

• Youtube subscriber counter is stable

• Now when you hover over the avatar, the radius of the avatar will be 40%

• Now when you hover over the banner, the blur will be 0px

• For YouTube subscriber counter, api subscriber count was added under the card

v1.3, Corrections, bug fixes, Interesting

• Now website → Web application, you can download app on phone and on pc

• Now the YouTube counter is working right

• Logos are displayed on the main page of the site, which means that if the YouTube logo is present, then on the site you can watch the subscriber counter or something else in real time!

• Now at the moment the YOUTUBE subscriber counter is in pre-release!

• Added channel search so you can easily find channels for your convenience :)

• When adding a search, I ran into big problems, but they are fixed!

• For Fake, the subscriber counter is written at the bottom Note

• Now in the fake counter of subscribers. you can hide settings, on PC it's very easy with the 'q' key.

To hide settings on a mobile device, just go to the menu, these are three bars. click and swipe a little and you will see a button to hide settings.

v1.2.6, Site changes, bugs, and so on.

• You can support me through ko-fi, on the home page

• YouTube subscriber counter sent for recycling

• Function abbreviate counts Removed

• Fixed bug in YouTube subscriber counter Channel banner, channel avatar and channel name

• Counter animation is now normal

• added countdown to summer

Happy New Year 2023!

v1.2, Changes that have occurred on the site

• As you have already noticed. now the site is not beta but release.

• The secret menu no longer exists

• An alternative timer was made for the tab.

• You can now track the YouTube subscriber counter. "Note: This counter is crooked, we'll fix it in the future."

• for fake subscriber counter added ability to Abbreviate counts

v1.1 beta, there were some changes on the site

• The site font has been changed, Bebas Neue.

• Fixed site adaptation for mobile devices!

• don't click this, doesn't exist anymore.

• You can access Twitter just by tapping "Twitter" at the top or from your phone, just go to the menu and scroll down and will be Twitter